Từ ngày 23/3/2014 cơ quan di trú Úc đã công bố thêm 19 trường “non university” được đưa vào danh sách xét visa ưu tiên, nâng tổng số trường lên 60.
Đây là cơ hội lớn để học sinh, sinh viên Việt Nam có thể chọn các chương trình học với chị phí hợp lý. Học sinh đăng ký các khóa học hoặc gói khóa học cấp độ đại học hoặc sau đại học, sẽ không cần IELTS tối thiểu, thay vào đó, học sinh được học chương trình tiếng Anh tại Úc, và đặc biệt, học sinh không cần chứng minh nguồn tài chính, và thời gian xét visa ngắn, chỉ trong vòng 2 tuần.
Công ty Tư vấn du học Vinahure trân trọng gửi tới quý phụ huynh và các em học sinh danh sách 41 trường đại học và 19 trường “non university” được hưởng bậc xét visa ưu tiên.
STT | Tên Trường | Địa chỉ website trường |
1 | Australian Catholic University | www.acu.edu.au |
2 | University College London | www.ucl.ac.uk |
3 | Charles Darwin University | www.cdu.edu.au |
4 | Charles Sturt University | www.csu.edu.au |
5 | Central Queensland University | www.cqu.edu.au |
6 | Curtin University of Technology | www.curtin.edu.au |
7 | Murdoch University | www.murdoch.edu.au |
8 | The University of Adelaide | www.adelaide.edu.au |
9 | The University of Melbourne | www.unimelb.edu.au |
10 | The University of the sunshine Coast | www.usc.edu.au |
11 | The University of New England | www.une.edu.au |
12 | University of Ballarat | www.ballarat.edu.au |
13 | The University of Sydney | sydney.edu.au |
14 | The University of Notre Dame | www.nd.edu.au |
15 | Bond University | www.bond.edu.au |
16 | Carnegie Mellon University | www.heinz.cmu.edu/australia |
17 | Deakin University | http://deakin.edu.au |
18 | Edith Cowan University | www.ecu.edu.au |
19 | University of Newcastle | www.newcastle.edu.au |
20 | Flinders University | www.flinders.edu.au |
21 | Griffith University | www.griffith.edu.au |
22 | JamesCook University | www.jcu.edu.au |
23 | Latrobe University | http://latrobe.edu.au |
24 | Macquarie University | http://mq.edu.au |
25 | Monash University | www.monash.edu.au |
26 | Queensland University of Technology | www.qut.edu.au |
27 | Rmit University | www.rmit.edu.au |
28 | Southern Cross University | www.scu.edu.au |
29 | Swinburne University of Technology | www.swinburne.edu.au |
30 | The University of New South Wales | www.unsw.edu.vn |
31 | The University of Queensland | www.uq.edu.au |
32 | The University of Western Australia | www.uwa.edu.au |
33 | University of Canberra | www.canberra.edu.au |
34 | University of South Australia | www.unisa.edu.au |
35 | University of Southern Queensland | www.usq.edu.au |
36 | University of Tasmania | www.utas.edu.au |
37 | University of Technology Sydney | www.thesydneyinstitute.com.au |
38 | Unviersity of Western Sydney | www.uws.edu.au |
39 | University of Wollongong | www.uow.edu.au |
40 | Victoria University | www.vu.edu.au |
41 | Australian National University | www.anu.edu.au |
42 | Alphacrucis College | http://ac.edu.au |
43 | Asia Pacific International College | www.apicollege.edu.au |
44 | Australian Institute of Professional Education | http://www.aipe.edu.au |
45 | Avondale College of Higher Education | www.avondale.edu.au |
46 | Blue Mountains International Hotel Management | www.bluemountains.edu.au |
47 | Canberra Institute of Technology | http://cit.edu.au |
48 | Holmesglen | www.homesglen.edu.au |
49 | International College of Hotel Management | www.ichm.edu.au |
50 | International College of Management, Sydney | www.icms.edu.au |
51 | Le Cordon Bleu Australia Pty Limited Sydney | www.lecordonbleu.com.au |
52 | Australian College of Applied Psychology | www.acap.edu.au |
53 | SAE Institute | http://sae.edu.au |
54 | TAFE South Australia | http://myopenday.com.au |
55 | TAFE NSW Technical and Futher education Commission | www.tafesa.edu.au |
56 | TAFE NSW Higher Education Kent Institute Of Business and Technology | www.highered.tafensw.edu.au |
57 | APM College of Business and Communication | www1.kent.edu.au |
58 | Wentworth Institute | www.win.edu.au |
59 | William Angliss Institute | www.angliss.edu.au |
60 | Australian College of Natural TherapiesBilly Blue College of DesignSouthern School of Natural Therapies | www.acnt.edu.au |